Protocol Buffers, also known as Protobuf, is a language-neutral, platform-neutral, and extensible mechanism for serializing structured data, initially developed and released by Google.

Protobuf definitions can be converted to CUE by the cue command and CUE’s Go API, promoting any CUE validation code placed in Protobuf options to first-class CUE value constraints.

Using the cue command

Let’s start by converting Protobuf to CUE using the cue command. We’ll begin with this Protobuf file, basic.proto:

syntax = "proto3";

// Package basic is rather basic.
package cuelang.examples.basic;

import "cue/cue.proto";

option go_package = "";

// This is my type.
message MyType {
    string string_value = 1; // Some string value

    // A method must start with a capital letter.
    repeated string method = 2 [(cue.val) = '[...=~"^[A-Z]"]'];

The cue import command converts Protobuf to CUE. It indicates success by displaying no output:

$ cue import basic.proto

The command creates this CUE file:

// Package basic is rather basic.
package basic

// This is my type.
#MyType: {
	stringValue?: string @protobuf(1,string,name=string_value) // Some string value

	// A method must start with a capital letter.
	method?: [...string] @protobuf(2,string)
	method?: [...=~"^[A-Z]"]
Do you notice how the method field’s type and constraints are split over two lines? That’s exactly as expected, because CUE’s core operation is to automatically unify each field’s right-hand-side.

The behaviour of the cue import command can be affected by the flags outlined in the proto mode section of the command’s help text.

Using the Go API

CUE’s Go API can achieve the same result as the cue import command, converting Protobuf definitions to CUE, but with more customization and flexibility.

This simple Go code takes the basic.proto file shown above, and prints the equivalent CUE:

package main

import (


func main() {
	file, err := protobuf.Extract("basic.proto", nil, &protobuf.Config{
		Paths: []string{ /* paths to proto includes */ },
	if err != nil {
	b, _ := format.Node(file)
Here’s the program’s output:

$ go run main.go
// Package basic is rather basic.
package basic

// This is my type.
#MyType: {
	stringValue?: string @protobuf(1,string,name=string_value) // Some string value

	// A method must start with a capital letter.
	method?: [...string] @protobuf(2,string)
	method?: [...=~"^[A-Z]"]

Notice that the ouput is identical to the CUE produced previously by cue import.

Extracting CUE from several Protobuf files

In some environments it might be necessary to import multiple Protobuf files that map to different CUE packages within the same module. If several .proto files import each other, and other centralized schema definitions, then things can get hairy! In these situations, CUE’s Go API and the cue command have you covered.

Both cue import and the encoding/protobuf package can be configured to handle custom import paths but, by default, when they encounter …

  • .proto files that have a go_package directive: CUE uses this path
  • files that map to a package within the CUE module: CUE uses the package’s directory
  • any other import path: CUE maps to a location in the cue.mod/pkg directory.

Experimental APIs

CUE initially publishes APIs and packages marked as “experimental”, in order to gather feedback on their use and structure before comitting the project to their long-term support. CUE’s Protobuf APIs include two experimental packages: encoding/protobuf/textproto and encoding/protobuf/jsonpb.

textproto converts text Protobuf message files to and from CUE, and jsonpb rewrites a CUE expression based on the Protobuf interpretation of JSON.

Your feedback on their utility and structure is invaluable - please join the CUE community on Slack and GitHub, and let us know how you’re using these APIs!

Protobuf mappings

The mappings between Protobuf and CUE types are outlined in the encoding/protobuf package documentation.

Future plans

CUE’s support for Protobuf is only going to expand, with plans including the conversion of CUE definitions to binary Protobuf definitions, and for bidirectional conversion of binary and JSON Protobuf messages to and from CUE.