CUE’s documentation site is divided into several sections. The “How-to Guides”
section contains:
Guides that demonstrate how to use CUE tools: tooling
Commented CUE guides that briefly illustrate CUE language features and
techniques: commented cue
Guides that contain step-by-step instructions for integrating CUE with 3rd
party ecosystems and tools: ecosystem
Guides that explain how to encode and decode information stored in languages
other than CUE: encodings
Each guide has one or more tags, displayed at the top and bottom of the page.
Each tag links to a search page that shows other guides associated with the
same tag.
Commented CUE guides
Some How-to Guides use CUE’s useful style of
“literate configuration”.
We refer to them as commented cue
Commented CUE guides tend to be short, presenting commented CUE code alongside
some input data, with a cue command showing the concrete result of the
technique they’re demonstrating. Often that result is an error message, showing
that cue has caught the deliberate mistakes in our example data.
Here’s an example:
package example
// CUE comments start with "//"// and run to the end of the line// f1 is a regular field which must be a stringf1:string// f2 is a required field which must be an// integer over 10f2!:int&>10
# f1 is actually an integerf1:123# f2 is actually a stringf2:"some string value"
$ cue vet .:example data.yml
f1: conflicting values 123 and string (mismatched types int and string):
f2: conflicting values "some string value" and int (mismatched types string and int):
Commented CUE guides require you, the reader, to modify their examples
before you use them. Don’t use the CUE exactly as it’s presented, but first
adapt the variable names and data structures to suit your configuration.
Unlike some of our longer, step-by-step guides, the features showcased in
Commented CUE guides are self-contained and – we believe! – easy to adapt to
any situation. Each guide has a “Related content” section containing links to
in-depth explanation and discussion of the techniques and language features
If you find any guides confusing, incomplete, or not detailed enough, then we
would really appreciate you telling us about your experience - just use the
“Report an Issue” link at the very bottom of the guide’s page!