Front Matter

Hugo uses front-matter to add meta information to a content page. This can be done various formats - in the CUE website we prefer YAML (To be decided).

Default Front Matter

Hugo has a couple of front matter options available by default. Be sure to read up on the options mentioned below.

  • title
  • description
  • summary
  • date
  • images
  • weight
  • draft
  • publishDate
  • expiryDate

Custom Front Matter

Additionally there are custom front matter options added to the CUE website, below an overview.

You can override the header style rendered on top of the page. Options are default and wide. For example the wide variant is used in the documentation (via the cascade front matter).
You can add math: true to the front matter, if you want to enable MathJax on a content page.
You can show additional meta information below the title of a content page. This is a map of items consisting of a type and value.
If you include the type readingTime, ‘min Read’ will be added to the given value.

When you include a date in the front-matter, it will be automatically included in the meta information.

Available types:

  • readingTime (value is in minutes)
- type: readingTime
  value: 5
You can add a sticky notification on the current page. The content allows for simple markdown options.
    content: '**Note:** a sticky note we wanted to show at the bottom'

Additionally you can add a button to the notification (the icon param is optional).

    content: '**Note:** a sticky note we wanted to show at the bottom'
        link: '/download'
        text: 'Download'
        icon: 'download'

You can also add a site-wide notification via the config file for params (ex. config/_default/params.toml)

By adding tags in the front-matter, they will be displayed in both the header and footer of the content page. Tags link to /search?q=tag:{name} and initiate a search for all documents that contain the respective tag.
- Ecosystem
- Language
adding the author(s) to the frontmatter, makes the content header show an image + name of the assigned author. It also shows a popup on click, with again an image + (display) name, and when available a link to their Github, and a link to the search page so users can search for other articles of this author.
adding no_index: true to the front-matter adds the meta tag <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> to the head of the page. Also the pages will be excluded from the sitemap.xml.

Docs specific front-matter

shows page without the content, but with a TODO block
adding hide_summary: true will remove the page from the list on a docs overview page (eg. /docs/howto). It will still show in the left hand nav, and the prev/next buttons.
adding index_hide: true will hide the list of children on a docs overview page (eg. /docs/howto)
toc_hide: true will hide the table of contents in the left hand nav
toc_root: true will set the page as the parent, hiding all other levels of the left hand nav. The left hand nav will only show the (grand)children of the page.

Blog specific front-matter

adds a header image to the blog page. Also shows in the blog teaser.