CUE that breaks Hugo's syntax highlighting

This page demonstrates the current state of Hugo and Chroma syntax highlighting on CUE language elements that aren’t handled well. Add to this page if you discover more examples.

// Comment markers without a trailing comment render wierdly.
// This will strike any guides where we import JSON Schema documents.

// Some types aren't highlighted the same as others
Types: {
	x: bytes // unhighlighted
	x: float
	x: int
	x: null   // bold but not blue, but maybe that's because it's a keyword
	x: number // unhighlighted
	x: string

// Lots of non-ASCII characters are flagged as errors.
// Greek upper and lowercase:
Αα: "Alpha", Ββ: "Beta", Γγ:    "Gamma", Δδ:   "Delta", Εε: "Epsilon", Ζζ: "Zeta"
Ηη: "Eta", Θθ:   "Theta", Ιι:   "Iota", Κκ:    "Kappa", Λλ: "Lambda", Μμ:  "Mu"
Νν: "Nu", Ξξ:    "Xi", Οο:      "Omicron", Ππ: "Pi", Ρρ:    "Rho", Σσς:    "Sigma"
Ττ: "Tau", Υυ:   "Upsilon", Φφ: "Phi", Χχ:     "Chi", Ψψ:   "Psi", Ωω:     "Omega"
// German sharp S
ß: "sharp s", : "SHARP S"

// Quotes inside other string forms break out of string highlighting
DoubleQuotes: {
	x: #" foo "bar" baz "#
	x: """
		foo "bar" baz
	x: "foo \"bar\" baz" // works
	// Modified escape delimiters interact poorly with quotes inside strings
	Escapes: {
		x: #"foo "\U12345678" baz"#
		x: ##"""
			Here's a regex:

// Valid double-double-quotes forces the rest of the file to be rendered as if
// it were inside quotes.
DoubleDoubleQuotes: {
	title?:   strings.MinRunes(1)   // title cannot be empty.
	urlPath?: !=""                  // urlPath cannot be empty (equivalent constraint to "title").
	file?:    =~".html$" | =~".md$" // Content files can be HTML or Markdown.
	date?:    time.Time             // time.Time validates a RFC3339 date-time.
	summary?: strings.MaxRunes(150) // Our site layout requires page summaries to be limited in length.
	author?:  _                     // Policy imposes no additional constraints on the author.
	isDraft?: _