Info blocks

There are a couple of shortcodes you can use in order to highlight a piece of content.


In order to show an informative highlight, you can use {{< info >}}.

{{< info >}}
#### Info

Lorem ipsum *dolor sit amet*, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus tristique lectus ut bibendum tincidunt. Vestibulum `posuere nisl` quis bibendum fermentum.
Aenean viverra commodo erat ac porttitor. Suspendisse **a interdum leo**. Etiam volutpat lectus auctor, porttitor urna et, egestas quam. Curabitur sodales,
turpis id tristique blandit, purus orci efficitur velit, nec [molestie tortor est eget](#link) erat.
{{< /info >}}

The rendered output looks like this:


In order to show a warning, you can use {{< warning >}}.

{{< warning >}}
**Warning:** This function is `deprecated` and will be removed in the future.
{{< /warning >}}

The rendered output looks like this:


In order to show a destructive / dangerous information, you can use {{< caution >}}.

{{< caution >}}
**Caution:** This version in `no longer supported`.
{{< /caution >}}

The rendered output looks like this: