cue-lang/cue GitHub Issue

The site’s Netlify deployment redirects all HTTP requests to URLs starting /issue/[:number] to[:number], and the issue shortcode generates links to these URLs.

Standard Hugo shortcodes such as relref and ref can’t be used for this purpose as the Netlify redirect doesn’t exist on disk (as far as Hugo is concerned), so the build-time page-existence check fails.


To emit a link to an issue with the user-visible text issue #<issue-number>, use the shortcode with a self-closing tag:

Check out {{<issue 123/>}}.

To use custom user-visible text, use a non-self-closing tag and include the text between the tags.

{{<issue 123>}}Issue #123{{</issue>}} is worth checking out.

Markdown works inside such links, and this shortcode works inside info/warning/etc blocks:

... info opening tag omitted ...
Be aware of {{<issue 123>}}`cue-lang/cue` *issue* **#123**{{</issue>}}.
... info closing tag omitted ...




This is {{<issue 123/>}} directly followed by a whitespace character.
This is {{<issue 123>}}discussion #123{{</issue>}} directly followed by a whitespace character.
There is punctuation directly following {{<issue 123/>}}.
There is punctuation directly following {{<issue 123>}}discussion #123{{</issue>}}.
Be aware of {{<issue 123>}}`cue-lang/cue` *issue* **#123**{{</issue>}}.

This is issue #123 directly followed by a whitespace character.
This is discussion #123 directly followed by a whitespace character.
There is punctuation directly following issue #123.
There is punctuation directly following discussion #123.