
The linkto hierarchy contains convenience shims that generate well-formed and consistently formatted links to commonly referenced pages.

linkto/related/ {concept,howto,reference,tutorial,tour}

linkto/related/ contains 5 shortcodes primarily aimed at generating links to Tutorials, How-to Guides, Concept Guides, Tour pages, and References.

The links contain the linked-to page’s title because they are intended to be used in a “Related content” section, placed inside a list element. They generate content suitable for inclusion in a list, but do not generate self-contained list elements.

The currently supported hierarchies make up the majority of related content links, but could be expanded if needed.


The first and only positional parameter is the path component of the related page within the relevant hierarchy. I.e. without a leading docs/tutorial/, docs/reference/, etc.

The related page must exist, and must have a title.

URL fragments cannot be included, which makes the shortcode less useful when linking to the language spec.


- {{< linkto/related/concept "the-logic-of-cue" >}}
- {{< linkto/related/howto "use-strings-replace" >}}
- {{< linkto/related/reference "modules" >}}
- {{< linkto/related/tutorial "working-with-a-custom-module-registry" >}}
- {{< linkto/related/tour "expressions/fieldcomp" >}}


linkto/inline emits a HTML link to a specific page, with the anchor text being the page’s title. No prefix or suffix is present.

Any page that Hugo knows about can be linked to, from any hierarchy in the site, so long as the page has a title. A build error will occur if the page lacks a title.


The first and only positional parameter is the path component of the related page within the docs hierarchy. I.e. with a leading tutorial/, reference/, etc.

The related page must exist, and must have a title. URL fragments cannot be included.


There are several relevant pages: 
{{< linkto/inline "concept/the-logic-of-cue" >}},
{{< linkto/inline "howto/use-strings-replace" >}},
{{< linkto/inline "reference/modules" >}},
{{< linkto/inline "tutorial/working-with-a-custom-module-registry" >}}, and
{{< linkto/inline "tour/expressions/fieldcomp" >}}.

There are several relevant pages: The Logic of CUE, Using "strings.Replace", CUE Modules, Working with a custom module registry, and Field Comprehensions.